Pruning is a science that is tough to master, but Kelly’s professionals know this science inside and out. Trees love a good prune, but a bad prune can mean disaster for the health and safety of the tree. That is why we strive to follow I.S.A. pruning standards. This allows trees to cohabitate in our thriving urban environments in a vigorous and healthy manner. Here are some common types of pruning we provide to help you decide on the objective with your tree.

Corrective Prune: One of the most beneficial pruning types, this helps a tree to be more vigorous and structurally sound. Our arborists correct any branches that are rubbing or crossing, this is especially important to dissuade structural problems or disease. We will also remove any deadwood, hazardous limbs, disease or stubs that may have been left from a previous prune. Trees benefit from this type of prune the most because it promotes proper structure within the canopy and develops healthy non-interfering growth.

Thinning: This type of pruning is best for some trees that have thick and shady canopies, like Norway Maples  and Lindens. By thinning a tree’s canopy, it helps with air circulation and sunlight penetration, we all like some dappled sunlight in our yards. If you see a white film on your trees or shrubs leaves, a thinning prune can be just the ticket to remedy that. Thinning prunes are typically conservative and are not meant to change the shape or structure of a tree’s canopy.

Canopy Elevation: Just as it sounds, we will remove any low hanging or lateral branches to provide a clearance for other understory trees, people, vehicles or man-made structures. This does not include completely removing any part of the tree above a structure, but only to provide space for the tree to grow and not interfere with any other thing.

Mature Tree Pruning: There’s no tree too big! We like to reserve large limb removal only for hazardous limbs and/or large deadwood. The reason being that a tree’s natural ability to effectively seal a wound is reduced as the diameter of the branch increases. This can lead to large trunk cavities that can invite unwanted animals as well as be a detriment to the structure and safety of the tree over time.

What is a proper pruning cut:

This is an important point. Just like when a doctor sutures up a surgical wound, arborists follow correct pruning standards to make the most viable cuts that facilitate sealing of wounds. Trees do not heal wounds, they seal them, and proper cuts allow for the tree to build this seal in a fast and effective manner. Cutting too close to the stem or leaving stubs is considered bad practice.

Why we don’t use climbing spurs to prune: These are nifty foot apparatuses that you may see some arborists use to aid in tree climbing. As useful as they are, they create many wounds that the tree has to expend valuable resources on sealing, it also attracts fungus, bacteria and insects that can damage the tree further, or even kill it. We only use these in removal circumstances.